Humboldt High School - Class of 1941
Humboldt High School Class of 1941
Mavis Evelyn Hall
Carl Milligans
Daphne Nash
Melville Lashlee
Mary Scott Hassell
Fred Luckey Jr.
LaVerne McLemore
Frank Bailey
Vivian Penn
J. H. Luckey
Thelma Hefley
Ann Via
James Taylor
Varon Maligeon
Lee Halton Jr.
Evelyn Sedberry
Dick Clement
Dollie Lee Simmons
Thomes Hopper
Doris Mullins
Dick Green
Pauline Luckey
Ann Blake
Joye W. Perry
Mary Lynn Hamilton
Dorthy Alexander
Clarenee Bowers
Sarah Katherine Matthews
Annie Laurie Peck
Homer Blackmons
Dometra Foster
Jack Evans
Daphene Daniel
Robt Hugh Luckey
Miss Catherine Smit, Fac.
W. D. Sneed, Fac.
Marshall Stallings, Class Pres.
Bettye Wray, Sec. Tres.
Willie Dee Sanders, Vice Pres.
Miss Dorothy Crowder, Fac.
Keith Whetstone, Fac.
W. H. DeShnzo, Fac.
Mr. Claude E. Brock, Supt.
Mr. J. W. Thomas, Prin.
S. H. Barry, Fac.
Miss. Jessie Bonds, Teacher